Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Me and Mom

December 18th, 2003 marks the 6th anniversary of my mom's passing.
This post is but a small tribute in celebration to the humble, but wonderful life that she
gave me. She was a disciplinarian, yet gentle, and loving. Not once as a child do I ever
remember her hitting me. She scolded me yes, and often, but it was her way of helping 
to make me a better person, in a world that at times can be quite unforgiving. She came
to this country as a teen from Puerto Rico, not knowing a lick of English, and went on to
become an assistant teacher, and many times the main teacher, for immigrants kids for the
New York City Board of Education. Incredibly, while in her 50s, she went on to earn a
degree at a local community college.
As for her cooking skills. Well, she was like having one of those fancy cooking experts
from the Food Network. As I look back, I must say I am quite amazed by her 
fabulousness as a Puerto Rican-American, as a mom, and as a human being.
... and that my friends ...
is why she had to be part of this blog.
I Love You Mom
... and ...
Thank You


- - -

from the deepest depths of my heart . . .
- your loving son - 

